2003-09-11 @ 4:18 p.m. | Sudden Sadness

Song in my head: Love Beyond Words by Spock's Beard

Mood: sort of like crying for no good reason, but not really

Current book: still Shackelton

I don't know if I'm just absorbing the sadness of the day today (although I've avoided the news for most of the day, perhaps the tenor of today is unavoidable) but for the last hour or so I've felt inexplicably weepy and really in need of a hug. Which, of course, is not in the works unless I accost strangers, which is not in the game plan. Perhaps seeing Hans when I get home will help - whenever he sees me for the first time each day, he starts whimpering and whining and squirms in my arms and licks me silly. It's a bit inexplicable.

Funny: I realize that 1) my face is breaking out ridiculously, and 2) my cell phone bill is due. That, coupled with the weepies, can mean only one thing - my period's on its way! This is how my menstrual cycle tends to work: I get sad and feel like crying, wonder what the hell is going on with me, then I get my email notification that my bill is due, and then I finally have that a-hah! moment when I realize I'm not unstable, just hormonal.

And far too hard on myself.

I appear to be on a writing down-swing this week, although that may be due to the unfocused, grab-a-couple-a-minutes-here-and-there writing opportunities I've had in the midst of all my unproductivity. Brian had mentioned National Novel Writing Month before, but today was the first time I checked the site out. If you haven't checked out the link, it's a contest where you spend the month of November writing a 50,000 word novel. That's all you've gotta do - meet the word count, and you've won. Quality's got nothing to do with it. I'm intrigued, and contemplating seriously considering doing it.. ;-) I think there could be a lot of freedom in focusing on volume alone. I could write, and it could turn out to be the stinkiest turkey of a book you could imagine, but I would be writing. Registration is in October - I can spend September letting plots and characters flit through my head. I have been saying I want to get back to fiction.

Just about time to head out; Keith and I made a laundry/grocery shopping date for tonight after work, and I will do my best to view them as necessary steps to taking good care of myself instead of the drudgery I usually view them as (especially laundry!)

I still could use a really good hug, though.

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