2003-09-10 @ 10:13 p.m. | Any suggestions?

Song in my head: Wig in a Box - oh, how I want to be able to watch my Hedwig DVD!

Mood: not nearly as tired as common sense would dictate

Current book: still Shackelton (I just read that they wound up going TWO YEARS without a change of clothes or a shower!)

Alrighty, my wonderful, illustrious readers, time to chime in with your assistance!! (Have I buttered you up enough?)

I need a new template. I like lots about this current one - the color scheme, the graphic - but I so very desperately need a links page. There are so many great pages I want to be able to direct my readers on a regular basis, not just when I mention them. I'm especially inspired (and totally flattered) by the fact that Kell and Brian have me somewhat prominently featured on their pages (thanks!!) Especially since they use Blogspot instead of Diaryland. It can be somewhat tricky to keep all my different online journal friends straight - someone should create a Trillian-type clearinghouse to keep all your diary friends in once place and be able to tell when they've updated.

(Oh my, Keith just rolled my big blue yoga ball in front of Hans, and Hans just went wild, attacking it with a ferocious glee that only a miniature dachshund can produce - hilarious!)

So anyway, I'm off topic - anyone have any template suggestions? Beautify has a bunch of templates to choose from - if you know of any you would recommend, let me know! (This is waiting for high speed, though, the remodel.. :-)

Also, I really want to do another banner ad, but can't think of a thing to do (although Brian's comments section has me thinking I ought to try to work Public Transportation Girl into it somehow) but anyway, the whole point is, if you've got ideas, sling them my way!

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