2003-01-07 @ 5:26 p.m. | Super duper gonzo update

Song in my head:


Current book:

Goddamn! Has it really been that long since I wrote? I guess it has been, because small claims court totally bummed me out.. in retrospect, it shouldn't have - he didn't even show up - but the fact that the system was ostensibly so unhelpful (his bank account was totally off limits to me since all his money is from Social Security) made me feel like I had no recourse. He could have dragged things on forever and ever and ever, just a big old fuck you.

BUT! He buckled! My dad called him and told him we'll drop the judgment if he gave me back my stuff, and he agreed! He was a total dick about it, and when we went to go get it, he dragged it out as long as possible.. he was a total pussy and made his social worker do all the work, and I had to send this guy up a ton of time to tell Louis that he was missing important items, but I got them!

More tomorrow - this is too happy - and yet complicated emotionally - to fully process - and the library is about to close, so off I go!

So maybe not so super duper in length, but in change of status, yes!

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