2002-12-10 @ 5:38 p.m. | Nerves

Song in my head:


Current book:

Tomorrow is small claims court. I'm so nervous. I hope he doesn't show up, everyone says he won't, although he sure could. I will be so angry to see him again, although maybe I'll be lucky and be dispassionate. I just have visions of him getting up in front of a judge and lying his fucking thieving abusive ass off. Thankfully I've got documented stuff.

Everything makes me sad about John, although I made it through today without crying (so far!). I'm making cheesecake tonight which makes me think of him, and were he still around I would have sent him an email about the case tomorrow, I'm sure, as well as an update on how it went. I wish I believed in heaven or something schmaltzy like that so I could deal better with the loss, although John would have laughed at that. I'm going to miss his laughter.. he would gently touch my arm as he laughed when I told him something particularly funny, and I delighted in making him laugh - he was opinionated and picky and catty, so I was always especially flattered when I passed his muster.

I'll just keep remembering him. I wrote a letter to his brother telling me how much John meant to me and how much I'll miss him and I'm glad I did that.

Off to make cheesecake, tomorrow court. I'll keep you all posted, if anyone's around.

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