2002-09-12 @ 12:16 p.m. | I can't take it

Song in my head:


Current book:

I'm so upset I can barely focus. Louis called me today - my dad's been trying to arrange with him to get my stuff back - and it just upsets me so much to talk to him, I just hate it, why is he doing this to me? Why won't he just let me get my things and move on?

Not to mention apartment stuff is more up in the air than I thought, and I probably won't get the place I really wanted, and I may have messed up my back-up option and this just bites so much and all I want to do is crawl into bed and cry myself to sleep. I don't feel like I've got what it takes to deal with all of this. It's too much, it's too big, and yeah, sure, I'll probably feel better later but right now I am just so drained and so hurt I just don't know what to do with myself.

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