2002-08-27 @ 1:18 p.m. | Short but sweet.. only half like me

Song in my head:


Current book:

I know I'm getting older because I'm starting to care about skin care products. Not the anti-acne stuff that thankfully I don't have to worry as much about, but masks. Moisturizers. Stuff that's supposed to keep your skin looking young. I've got young skin, but hey, I'm noticing stuff I didn't see before. I like my smile lines - those are external signs of internal happiness, I'm not giving those up. But those creases you get perpendicular to your eyebrows, those have also been more pronounced, and I don't like 'em one bit, no way.

I'm getting older. Not old, but I'm sure not getting any younger. Maybe the fact that younger guys are all of a sudden very attracted to me, and I find myself saying things like "When I was your age..."

Thankfully I'm not talking about how much snow I had to wade through when I went to grade school!

Perhaps I just ought to enjoy the attractiveness, keep up the moisturizer, and not worry so much.

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