
BrianO - 2004-01-11 13:45:01
Hey Aimee, good entry! And thanks for the info on the Dictionary toolbar, I'm downloading it right now.

I liked your comments on solitude. I've always believed you cannot have a healthy relationship with another person until you can be alone with yourself. (Being a master of solitude, I may be a little biased on this point.) If there's one thing that makes me cringe in romantic movies, it's the phrase "you complete me." If you're not complete already, getting in a relationship isn't going to help you.

Anyway, glad things are going so well for you.
Aimee - 2004-01-15 00:10:28
Thanks, Brian! Isn't the Dictionary toolbar great? I'm thrilled to have found it.

I never ever thought I would enjoy solitude - it always seemed so unpleasant and unnecessary. Now the trick is finding the right balance, I suppose.

And ugh. Romantic movies make me cringe anyway - but "you complete me" - double gag.

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