
Heidi - 2003-12-11 02:49:51
Wow, Aimee, that's a great dream! Random things coming to me: If this were my dream, (this is what we say in my dream class, so that we own all our projections) the cat/turtle is interesting. The shell representing protection, cat representing female power, to me. Then being all the stuff around being rabid--violent, drooling, mad. Nurturing mom pushing me, caring for me but scaring me at the same time, then they find the ultimate evil person. So for me, owning my feminine power (by being bitten by it) while being protected may cause institutional panic. Again great dream--and I love reading your blog! Heidi
yi shun - 2003-12-11 11:48:23
aimes, that is bizarre. but you had me laughing for a long time.
Aimee - 2003-12-11 22:16:03
Wow, Heidi - thanks for the insights, I never would have made those connections! I'm gonna have to think about them some more.. :-) And I'm so glad to have you reading; I love what you've been writing in your blog too! Yi Shun, glad to have given you some laughs!
Heidi - 2003-12-14 20:39:34
Did you know you were clairvoyant? About Saddam, I mean.
Aimee - 2003-12-18 10:09:17
Yeah, Heidi, that really startled me!! I've never had any sort of dream premonition before - and what a weird one! (Though, I suppose it could just be coincidental timing, too!)
brian#1 - 2003-12-29 15:39:15
the image of your mother, pushing your stretcher at increasing acceleration, fretting over the rabies coursing through your blood, then switching gears to Saddam and running off...HILARIOUS! had me in stitches!

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