
Kell - 2003-10-24 17:49:07
Well, I'm thinking chicken-soup &/or hot cocoa thoughts here, plus lots of water & staying snug, just in case you're flirting with the flu. If life will let you go there, that is. Re. the other "joy", first and foremost in my head is that neither you nor Keith have to put up with the boyfriend's antics either. That, of course, doesn't necessarily mean that a confrontation involving all of you would have been a good thing, but he was not only abusing her, but also y'all, and maybe some of the neighbors, too, via the noise. Anyway, yea for police with a clue, and let the healing begin. OOO
Aimee - 2003-10-24 18:58:02
Funny you mention the flu: I'm sitting here feeling sort of weak and coughing a bit and I think I'm gonna have to dive into the stash of wretched zinc lozenges I like to think will stave off the worst of it. Cause I don't want to miss anything, though I'm sure planning on sleeping in.

Boy, if chicken soup doesn't sound marvelous. Too bad all I've got is lentil.

I have to admit, I'm being pretty selfish here. I don't want him back in here. I'm gonna support her the best I can in NOT letting him back in. Sure, it's in her best interest too, but my motives are after MY best interests.

Thanks for the salubrious thoughts, Kell - off to a nap for me.
BrianO - 2003-10-25 12:28:31
All you can do is look out for your best interests. But it looks like in this case you'd being helping her out too. I'm always amazed there are so many of these asshole guys out there. Why would any guy want to hit a woman? I guess I just don't have that kind of anger in me.

Have fun at your Nano party. I've got one on Sunday as well.

Oh and hey, get some sleep already!

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