
Kell - 2003-10-04 10:52:25
Sending you warm fuzzy squishies re. the rent matters. Good luck in bunches. Re. the date. Well, this plot just thickened :-).
BrianO - 2003-10-04 12:12:04
You want to date Max Headroom? That just doesn't seem right.

Anyway, congratulations on the date and I hope it keeps getting better.
Aimee - 2003-10-04 14:14:45
Awww, thanks guys! I'll keep everyone updated both on the roomie situation and the date situation. Hopefully both will have positive outcomes!

Brian, I would say it's more of a Matt Frewer in the TV show "Doctor Doctor" (did you ever see that? I seem to remember it as being hilarious, my mom and I adored it), than a Matt Frewer in Max Headroom look (mainly the receding hairline). Either of which would be better than the Matt Frewer in The Stand look .. :-)
Rose - 2003-10-06 10:06:32
I'm very happy to hear about the date, but more importantly, please post the lyrics of your "I Want to Go to Bed" song.
Aimee - 2003-10-06 10:13:09
Sorry, Rose, it was an instrumental.. :)
Brian#1 - 2003-10-21 23:24:34
beware geeks bearing Ph.D.s!!! BEWARE!!!!!!

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