2003-06-30 @ 2:56 p.m. | Post weekend wind-down

Song in my head: Without You (thankfully the Harry Nilsson version, not the Mariah Carey)

Mood: a bit sleepy

Current book: I've got American Gods by Neil Gaiman in my purse just waiting for me

Wowsa, what a weekend, I'm totally wiped out. I got out of bed at 8:25 - and somehow managed to get into work at 9:15. I don't know how I did it, and I'm not even gonna question it. I didn't even want to deal with my hair so I threw it into pigtails - I forgot how much I like my hair in pigtails, it's ludicriously cute.

I am leaving Thursday evening after work to go to Marty's for this camping trip and boy oh boy, do I have stuff to get done. I've got to stop by Andi's to pick up her key so I can be back up cat-sitter. I've got to stop my Cristin's to borrow a sleeping bag and get my blender. I've got to do massive amounts of laundry. I've got to clean my room. I want to take a yoga class on Wednesday, and I would love to go swimming tomorrow night but it's not seeming likely. I also have a union meeting at lunch tomorrow, and I am going to see Mrs. Green, the woman I visit for my "friendly visiting for the elderly" that I do once a week. (I don't know if I've ever mentioned Mrs. Green before, but the day we first met, she swore I was 17. That still makes my day.) And all I want to do is go home and nap.

Lots more I could talk about - the Pride Parade was fabulous! - but work - blah - beckons. For now I'll leave you with a quote from my new literary love, Cary Tennis from Salon:

"You have an authentic self. If you believe in God, then God created this authentic self. If you believe that the God who created this authentic self now disapproves of its manifestation, then you believe two contradictory things. In other words, don't pray to your God to fix you. Who are you to ask an omnipotent being to repair his perfect creation? Pray to your God not to fix you but to give you the godlike courage to accept yourself as you are."

Ignoring my agnosticism/confusion/etc., it's lovely advice.

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