2004-04-01 @ 4:20 p.m. | Countdown

Song in my head: something by King Crimson

Mood: frazzled & relieved

Current book: still Signature Killers, I'm slow lately

Okay, big huge gigantic relief that I didn't even mention was looming over me: my union is NOT going on strike.


I was so worried we were going to, and I was going to have to decide whether to be a strikebreaker or not, and I didn't want to, but how was I going to afford it, and I had the prospect of watching my savings spiral down the drain and damn, this feels like such a relief.

Reminds me, I oughta balance my checkbook tonight.

Oy vey, all the things I have to do tonight! I get home from yoga at 9:30, then I have to do laundry and then pack and clean the cat box and clean my room and find my claim forms for the vet because I get back from NC Thursday (the 11th) around 11:00PM and then Laika needs to be at the vet around 9:30AM on Friday, and then I'm going Friday night to my parents to help my mom out after her carpal tunnel surgery and I probably need to stop stressing so much. Hopefully yoga will help out.

I don't know why I felt the need to write this out, but I did. Here's to my safe travels!

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