2004-01-22 @ 5:08 p.m. | More checking in

Song in my head: damn, I can-not get that Shop Rite Can-Can song to go away! It haunts me!

Mood: so sleepy!

Current book: Bitter Blood (more true crime)

I really do need to designate some quiet time where I write an entry that I've actually thought about beforehand, but you know what? Tonight's not gonna be the night.

I think tonight should be the night that I take it easy (at least after yoga) - this week has been a whirlwind. (An enjoyable one, for sure!) The long weekend was my trip to visit Shalini and Craig in Maryland - my first time actually stopping in Maryland, instead of just driving through - and what fun! Shalini is a magnificent hostess - she laid out a basket of lotions and self-pampering goodies in the guest room, and made me feel so cozy and at home and welcome, and we had a blast just staying up all night chatting and drinking wine and then making all these plans to go out and then deciding nah, let's just stay in and be cozy and talk some more. One of our few ventures out was an hour-long leisurely swing through CVS.

Would you believe that this was about our pace in college? Party animals we're not! (Though I would be remiss to neglect to mention the fondue party where I learned to play euchre. I love card games!)

Then last night was Rose's hosting of the Columbia Dupont something-something Awards for Excellence in Broadcast Journalism something-something-like-that. Lots of fun! Ben came with me and he got to meet Rose and Bret, and Brian#1 and Qraig, and Rose's friend Patty, and we noshed on appetizers and some yummy real food and took advantage of the free, very strong drinks, and the actual ceremony itself was great, they showed clips of the winning documentaries or news segments, and I got such a nerdy rush of "hooray for the first amendment and freedom of the press!"

Aaahhh! My boss is flipping out trying to get ready to go back to the Cayman Islands (she and her husband have a condo down there, they spend two months out of the year down there, oh how I wish I were in the Caribbean right now!) and she's been running in here frantic every few moments.

Time for me to scram!!

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