2003-09-03 @ 5:22 p.m. | dreams of waves and water

Song in my head: The Truth Will Set You Free, by The Flower Kings

Mood: languid, contemplative, dreamy

Current book: With Child, by Laurie R. King

From my This Dumb Century desk calendar (courtesy of The Onion):

Martin Luther King: �I Had a Really Weird Dream Last Night�

That has been giving me the giggles all day; I just had to share it. (I also just wanted to get The Louse Letters off my front page - enough of them, enough of him.) It also got me thinking about my dreams - I often have very vivid, full-blaze-color dreams, intricately plotted, great character development; too often much more fun than my waking life.

The other night (while at my parents� house, even) I had another driving dream - I probably have dreamed of driving more than I�ve actually driven! - and this one was great. I was behind the wheel and completely calm and natural, not one bit stressed out or nervous. I just drove wherever I wanted to go, and didn�t need to rely on anyone else. The freedom and independence was exhilarating. Damn, I really need to get back behind the wheel of a car and just go. But at least my subconscious seems to be telling me that I can do it.

Last week I dreamed that I was visiting my friends JeaNa and Justin and they had a house on the shore. I think that it was supposed to be the Pacific, but the water was true Atlantic: grey and roiling and ominous. One of the rooms jutted out into the water and was made of nothing but glass panels; the surf would roll in and crash over the ceiling and around the walls and it was breathtaking to stand there, to see the encroaching darkness as the sunlight faded in the wake of the immense water, to hear the thunder of the waves smashing against trembling thin walls. My heart races to write about it even now. I was alone in the room - just me and a smattering of rickety, almost abandoned, patio furniture - and with each succession of waves, water began to trickle and puddle and pool through the cracks between the panels and the panels began to shake and tremble under the weight of so much water. I closed my eyes and waited to be swallowed up by the sea, but I woke up before anything else happened.

Do any of you remember an otherwise bad movie called Deep Impact ? I believe it came out around the same time as Armageddon (which, in my opinion, was even worse) and it had a similar plot: arogue comet heading toward Earth - how ever will mankind survive? Anyway, one of the few things that stood out for me was when Tea Leoni�s character knows she�s going to die; she goes out to the beach and watches the giant tsunami from the comet�s impact rolling in, waiting for it to consume her. I just remember being really wowed by that, like hey, I would do the same thing - if I knew I had no choice but to die, I would let the ocean take me.

Not to be morbid, mind you. I�m in a perfectly pleasant (if not drowsy and mellow) mood, certainly in no mood to die or drown. There�s just something about that ocean. I�ve always felt that I could never live anywhere landlocked. Even if I only go to the beach a few times a year, I still need to know it�s there.

Ahhhh.... I really am feeling tremendously relaxed. Right now I�m listening to a Flower Kings CD that my dad burned for me; I�m totally mellowing out on the Yes-like prog-rock vibe. Ah, I often feel I was born in the wrong decade.. :-)

Argylecool mentioned today that she has the 14-digit barcode on the back of her library card memorized. I thought I was the only one. Although, to be truly honest, I only have it selectively memorized: I can only recall it on the number pad of my keyboard. Even trying to enter it on the phone is iffy. But I can type that baby on the keyboard in my sleep. Hooray for library nerds!

Anyway, enough pleasant meanderings - I�m off to a date tonight! I�m pretty neutral about it - he�s someone I�ve been emailing through a dating service off and on for a month and a half, but our conversations have never progressed past the superficial. But I�m still amenable to a cup of coffee. Which I could sure use!

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