2003-06-04 @ 12:43 p.m. | Dating nerves

Song in my head: none, it's quiet today

Mood: anticipatory and a bit nervous

Current book: take a guess.. although I need to include a shout out to Into Thin Air which is just insanely gripping

I feel ridiculous. Pleasantly so - I'm really trying to avoid that oh-so-easy beating myself up for having (gasp!) human emotions - but it's still a little much.

I haven't looked forward to a date this much in a long time, and I've got this insane internal monologue that sounds a lot like "I hope he emails or maybe he'll call but oh man if he calls then I'll be all nervous and I'll sound like an idiot but we really had a lot of fun so I'll be okay and oh my god what do I wear on Sunday ack!"

I have a bad habit of falling into this "what is he gonna think of me?" mode when I meet someone I'm interested in, and I really don't want to do that. I want to remember that I'm fun, funny, pretty, warm, smart, have a ton to offer, and a pleasure to be around most of the time. I have a full active life that is pretty satisfying for the most part, and feel relatively confident that I'll continue to improve it, so I don't need to feel all "oh god, does he like me?" when I get interested in someone.

Besides, he clearly seems interested in me! He's the one who approached me, suggested going out, asked for my info, gave me his... things will be just fine. Even if he turns out to be a jerk who stands me up, or a hidden jerk like the Louse, I'll be fine.

Let's hear it for pep talks!!

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