2003-06-03 @ 9:42 a.m. | Good Holy Lord

Song in my head: I'm telling you, the minute I go to write in this box, the Malcom in the Middle theme song pops in my head

Mood: unnerved

Current book: still the Stand, that could take a while!

Or maybe I should use the phrase Penn of Penn & Teller used on Bullshit the other night, sweet evil Jesus!

Hope that doesn't offend any Jesus fans.

So anyway, this Keisha chick is rapidly becoming the Roommate From Hell. And I need to decide how to handle her fast.

Last night I got home around nine, and she must have knocked on my door at least ten times, with stupid questions, just any reason whatsoever to come on in. (Jill was on the phone with me at the time and kept saying "oh my god, she's a crackhead!" which made it very hard to keep a straight face.) Her room is right next to the bathroom; she even started talking to me through the bathroom door the minute I turned off the shower! I was in the kitchen making a sandwich and I was leaving a voice mail for Jill along the lines of "oh my god I'm just a bad friend for not calling you cause I forgot you were sick!" and Keisha came bounding into the kitchen right in the middle of my message, exclaiming, "oh my god, are you okay?!"

She's like a large, loud, gnat swarming around me and I just want a big old flyswatter.

I took it for granted how well things were working out when Noyan was around - as much as I crushed on him, a large part of that was because he kept to himself and was never home.

Especially after having lived with all of Louis's bullshit, I have become very accustomed and possessive of my privacy. I want to shut my door and maybe be naked and listen to quiet or music or neighborhood noises. I want to absorb myself in a book or write or do yoga. I want to cuddle with Laika and watch movies. I want to revel in my solitude.

(Total aside: isn't this great, here I am reading The Stand, and I've got a swollen gland. Doesn't do much for my incipient paranoia.)

So I need to do something about Keisha, I'm just not sure what yet. I want to remain polite, despite the part of me that wants to scream at her "you're a nut job, leave me alone!" It's SO HARD for me to be assertive, but I need to be. My need for solitude and privacy is much more important than her pathological neediness, at least in my scheme of things. I hate so much to be cruel - but why do I automatically associate drawing appropriate boundaries with cruelty?

I just get really cranky when people don't automatically treat me respectfully, and I have to draw the line. Grrrr.

I feel like such a wuss. I hate confrontation!

Maybe it's time to do a cleansing ritual in my room.. :-)

I've just got to remember, people will treat me the way I let them treat me! Time to demand better treatment!

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