2003-06-01 @ 7:51 p.m. | A Tale of Two Roommates

Song in my head: sometimes I think I have auditory hallucinations of my phone ringing, which is Across The Universe, does that count?

Mood: better, oh so much better

Current book: The Stand, the mondo edition

I hope I didn't alarm anyone yesterday with my psycho entry. I went home and slept for ages and woke up at almost 1 in the afternoon and I feel so much better the relief is palpable. It's a tad bit alarming that I can feel SO bleak and it feels so real, but maybe writing about it helps some?

Just a thing to complain about, because we all know how adept I am at complaining - here at Rose's, I picked up the newer edition of the Stand, and I love that SK threw in the old material he'd been forced to cut, but what bothers me is that he decided to change the date from 1970-something to 1990, yet didn't change stuff like a minor character who goes to babysit for three hours for one dollar. I would have preferred it if he'd just kept it in the '70s.

Memorial Day weekend, my roommate Noyan moved out. I never mentioned him much because he was never home much at all - we worked totally different hours, and then he went away for a while - but I grew to really like him, and it didn't hurt that I became increasingly attracted to him. He was originally from Turkey - that's where he moved back to - and he was tall and slender and dark, right before he left he started growing this dark brown stubble of almost-beard that I found way too appealing - and he was smart and funny and he seemed to enjoy talking to me as much I enjoyed talking to him. And part of me always hoped he'd sneak into my bed at night (although not really, cause that would just be rude, not to mention just goddamn creepy! but it made for great fantasy) although I settled for an affectionate hug goodbye before I left for the weekend and he left for good.

So now this new girl has moved in and I don't know what to make of her. Her name is Keisha, even though she's a white Jewish girl from Long Island, and when we met she told me "oh, some people call me Amy too!" as if that was just innately logical. She's really loud - her laugh is sort of like Fran Drescher's - and after quiet Noyan barely registering his presence unless we crossed paths in the kitchen, I'm finding her very unnerving.

Especially yesterday! I was in bed when the alarm went off and I was still tired and I just listened to the news (it wasn't on buzzer) and I was on top of the covers because it was really warm and all I was wearing was a tshirt and loose lavender plaid boxers, and I had my legs spread and my hand between them (I will leave it to you to imagine what I was doing; you will be correct in your assumption, I'm just being ludicriously coy, and yes, I left this tidbit of information out of my oral report of this incident cause it was too embarassing) and my door was cracked open about a 1/4 of an inch - shut, basically, just not latched, and all of a sudden, no warning, no knocking, nothing, Keisha just comes on in booming "your alarm's going off, time to get up!!" as I in horror try to disguise exactly what I was doing (thank god it was just my hand and not a big old bottle of lube and any one of my not-for-her-eyes toys).

I actually don't believe she figured it out, because she came on in and sat down on the floor and started chatting me up while I'm in my skimpy PJs and my lord, does this girl have any boundaries???? She also told me that I can eat any of her food, and I can go in her room any time I want to (I'm not particularly jumping to do either one of them!) and then on my way here to Rose's she came in and was saying how nice I looked and did I do something different to my hair and as I bent down to try to find Rose's keys she started to rub my shoulder and I know just last night I was lamenting my lack of physical contact but this was not what I had in mind! I don't believe it was even sexual, I just felt weirded out. Because I don't get physical with friends until we're really close, and only if they like it. I just met this girl!! I'm gonna need to figure out something to say, a way to draw the line of acceptable behavior, but she just keeps catching me off guard.

Oh, Noyan, as if I hadn't already been pining for you! Come back!

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