2003-04-08 @ 3:41 p.m. | Here comes the sun?

Song in my head: "Going to the Country" by Canned Heat

Mood: achy

Current book: Too Good to be True: The Colossal Book of Urban Legends

I get the impression the sun is struggling just a bit to come out - not that I have hopes for blue sky or yellow rays - but it looks a tiny bit bright outside. I still can't believe that it's April, it's Daylight Savings Time, and there's appreciable snow out there. This is more snow than we got in December! (Okay, I have no idea if that's true or not, I'm just venting.)

Quick grumble: my boss gave me a geranium plant a few months ago which was really cool of her, and it's really beautiful, and sprouts these red flowers all the time, but she often comes in here to pinch off the dying flowers while I'm sitting here and comments on my watering habits, and it just sort of seems to be that hey, it was a gift, I'm not killing the plant, leave me alone about it!

I'm a bit grumpy today. I don't like the first week or so of daylight savings. I'm SO tired in the mornings. Not to mention that I had some crazy dream last night about getting rid of the SDM in some very violent way, and then right as I was waking up I dreamed that I was screaming at my parents "okay, fine, I'm the biggest fuck-up ever!" Issues, much?

I think I might be coming down with something. I also woke up with a sore throat, and I'm feeling kinda achy. I have yet to decide if this lousy feeling is worth taking those vile zinc lozenges that supposedly stave off a cold. I think they work, but they're repugnant. I'm not the only one who thinks this either. Check out what this article has to say:

But there's a catch to using zinc lozenges. Many of them taste so bad you prefer the alternative -- the flaming nighttime throat, the ensuing four-day bonfire, getting fired for missing work, and your subsequent lingering painful death -- to the metallic, astringent, sour, gagging, nearly emetic taste of the lozenge.

Don't you love that I'm spending valuable work time researching zinc? It makes me think of the Simpsons episode with the World Without Zinc movie.

Yet even more well spent-time. But hey, it beats a sick day. At least I'm here to respond to emergencies. Like when my boss called me in because the text wasn't centered correctly in her document - all I needed to do was maximize the window. Hey folks, I earn my keep 'round here.

I think today is gonna be another go-home-and-rest evenings. Last night was one, although I felt better and had more energy after bumming around and did some laundry stuff. (A few handwashables and I sorted the stuff I need to bring to the laundromat. I haven't been able to face the actual laundromat yet.)

I still need to do my state taxes, though - I've never waited this long before. Let's see how long I wait!

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