2003-03-31 @ 4:05 p.m. | Monday blues

Song in my head: none right now

Mood: bored

Current book: Delores Claiborne (I'm on a SK kick)

I'm just so not in the mood for Mondays. Even though this one is almost over.

I saw Marty and Aimee and Chloe and my parents this weekend and while I had a wonderful time and I love them all I still feel myself separating from them more, which I really think might be healthy. As in, when I'm there I find myself reminding myself that I am who I am, and who I know myself to be, and not just who my family sees me as.

Ugh. I am just feeling bored and restless. And uninteresting and uninterested. I think I need a lot more sleep than I've been getting. And a lot more nutrition and a lot more exercise. (what a theme going on here!)

Blah blah blah boring.

Boring boring boring.

Are you bored yet?

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