2003-01-27 @ 4:41 p.m. | Not feeling ye olde work ethic

Song in my head: Can you feel the love tonight? or some other snippet from the Lite FM station at the pizza place

Mood: ecstatic that it's almost quitting time AND it's still light out

Current book: some true crime book I'm re-reading, not that memorable

Been spending WAY too much time browsing TWOP.

I am really hoping to get my act together and work out when I get home. I just hate moving when it's so damn cold out. I wish I could hibernate. Of course I know that exercising will warm me up, but it's getting there that's the battle.

So, I just have to share, Loyal Readers (how I love pretending that I've got a huge fan base! Though I love my actual teeny fan base!) As I was leaving from Shalini & Craig & Sisko's in VA, I had to take the bus from DC. I am telling you, I am gonna start sucking up the money and start spending the extra $80 to take Amtrak. The bus is just so skievey (is that a real word, and if so, did I spell it right? Not feeling inspired to do the research.)

So, yes, bus = gross. There no room to stretch out or be comfortable, they show horrid movies, and I tend to get stuck sitting next to officially designated losers. My trip back from DC, this guy decides to sit next to me even though there was a perfectly good empty two seats right across from me. I, of course, should have just pretended to be totally unbalanced and a nose-picker to boot, and I'm sure he would have just moved, but no, I'm too nice to do that. I just kept trying to read my book and he kept trying to talk to me and eventually I gave up and talked to him because, hey, he could be Mr. Right just sitting next to me, right? (What is it with me and men cruising me on public transportation?)

So, of course, he SO wasn't. I couldn't gather if he has an actual real job that pays him money, but he kept trying to impress me by his five year stint as a host of a Manhattan Neighborhood Network show. Come on now, anyone can be the host of a MNN show. I could put a camera on Laika for 1/2 hour a week and do that for five years, MNN doesn't care. Not to mention that his show was titled "Chillin Chillin". Not to get all snooty and snotty here, but I got a 720 on my verbal SAT. I practically read in my sleep. Typos practically levitate off the page to me, I'm a horrific grammar snob, and I'm supposed to date someone who calls his TV show "Chillin Chillin" without nary a tongue in cheek?

Not to mention - and here goes that snobbiness again, and I've decided I'm just going to be snobby about who I date; being egalitarian got me beat up - that here this guy is showing me his tattoos (I'll admit, while I want a tattoo, I don't always care for them on guys, double standard), and he's got a TOOTH missing. I'm sorry, but here he's chatting me up with a gaping hole in his smile, yet he can afford a tattoo? I know I'm being utterly horrible, but I'm obsessive about my dental hygiene. I use my Oral B toothbrush twice a day (and was totally bummed out when I realize I didn't get the Excel version), and floss, and use two mouthwashes, AND scrape my tongue. I'm sorry, I'm just gonna want to date someone with teeth. All of 'em. Not to mention that I watched the show and now Jill wants me to tape it weekly, it was that unintentionally bad. Basically Bus Guy No Tooth running around with the camera like he's got palsy, perusing empty hip hop clubs, commenting "yo, chillin chillin, yo, whassup dawg?" That was the level of discourse. The worst part of this is that I still feel some small amount of guilt for notgoing out with him. Maybe part of it is because I've been rejected so much that I feel sorry for the other person? But then again, I don't want to date anyone because he felt sorry for me! So I guess I did him a favor, eh? I know I did myself a favor! He gave me a super hard time for not giving him my number. I told him to give me his, but I don't give my number out to strangers. (After Louis, I'm much more careful about that.) He threw a mini-hissy fit and said something like "what, are you afraid of me showing up at your office or something?" Hmm, I hadn't been, but if that's the way he thinks, I don't want him! So, okay, no more guilt. I'm only gonna date guys I WANT to date, whom I find desirable in one way or another. Who have teeth and are respectful to me. So, yo, what up dawg?

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