2002-09-30 @ 3:44 p.m. | today's the day

Song in my head:


Current book:

I'm surprisingly glum about moving. I mean, it's wonderful to have a permanent home, and I'm sure I'll love it soon enough.

But today I'm really just feeling how much my life is changing, and how I was getting okay at bouncing around from place to place, but now this is it, this wasn't just a vacation, I'm really on my own and without all my things and without the love I thought I had and bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan!

It doesn't help that Louis's social worker won't help out and that it looks like his manipulations are working.. looks like I'll have to talk to him to get my things back. I am so disgusted. He hits me, changes the locks on me, has had all of my things for almost three months now, free use of everything. What the fuck??? I am just in a rage. I don't know what to do. I want to take up the kind offer of many of my loved ones to take matters into their own hands, but I don't want the karmic stain.


Anyway, I'll probably feel better once I actually get into my new place and have my new futon!!

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